the BLOG
My name is Frances Stanfield and I live in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. In a nutshell I am a graduate of Shorter University, currently employed with Emory University, married for over three decades and have one fantastic daughter.

Life: Addiction Will Wreck Your World
Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine, or idealism

Are You Immortal Or Insanely In Denial?
Most people shy away from talking about death and dying or simply put, mortality.

Marriage: Is It Happily Ever After?
Before we’re able to walk or talk, we’re introduced to love and marriage; and happily ever after.

A Revealing Letter To My 14 Year Old Self
First, I love you dearly and I want you to know that this too shall pass. It's not going to be a bed of roses but then you already know that from where you're sitting right now.

My BIRTHDAY Ranked Up In Epic Proportions!
I can't believe it's already been another year of my living. Today is my birthday and I'm happy to have seen another 365 days. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I'm doing my very best to live each day as though it were my last and as my tag line infers, to live "Another...

Hearing Aids Have Special Super Powers
"Life Is So Much Clearer With Hearing Aids" ~Frantastically Fran My Hearing Aids Are My Superman Glasses The question came up recently that if I were forced to give up one sense, but gain super-sensitivity in another, which senses...
Born To Be a Courageous Little Wanderer
Indeed, I am nothing but a wanderer and a pilgrim on this earth! And what more are you? ― J.W. When I was a child I didn’t know that I was going to be a wanderer. I didn’t know that I was going to leave home...

How Gardening Saved My Life
Springtime always bring back memories. It must be something about the flowers, warm weather and the overall change of seasons. At the start of spring I am reminded of a place of happiness and where I felt the safest as a child

Alopecia and Relationships: Revisited
Alopecia and relationships can coexist. I found unconditional love.

Should I Quit My Job? Yes
Nothing would please me more than to be able to quit my job right now.

Voyages Are Life's Little Idiosyncrasies
Voyage and life are synonymous. I use to joke about tough times by saying, "Honey, that was not a vacation, it was a freakin voyage.

Urban Life In Atlanta: Is There Another Way?
I speak a lot of my fair city Atlanta. I can’s imagine living in a place with less than a million people and in a town with one stoplight, one grocery store, one car dealership, one drugstore, and where the neighborhood doctor's office runs alongside the railroad tracks.

Quitting Is An Option
I hate that word quitter but the funny thing is, I'm guilty of quitting and throwing in the towel several different times during my life.
What Is This Thing Called Karma?
Karma is a simple principle and one where seeds you sow have consequences.
Heaven, Hell & Hot Flashes! What's Your Religion?
I'm not an expert on the bible, in fact, I'm not sure of the last time I picked one up.