Should I Quit My Job? Yes
“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”
Should I Quit My Job? I Think I've Found the Answers!
Nothing would please me more than to be able to quit my job right now. In fact, there is a case to be made as to why I should and probably why you should too. As I read through James Altucher's "10 Reasons You Should Quit Your Job" slide show (seen below), I begun to relate those points to my own life. Here are a couple of favorites that resonated with me.
Corporations Don't Like You
They really don't. I don't mean that in a negative way and the statement shouldn't be taken personally. I'm just saying it's the grim reality of the working world. The truth is that companies sometimes take the rap for the poisonous people they employ.
While not always successful, I attempt to steer clear of office politics; I only break bread with those I trust; and above all I try to keep sight of where I stand in my organization. It's called sleeping with one eye opened and not with the enemy. I go in everyday knowing that I am only good as my last achievement and very aware that every achievement will not be recognized.
Money Is Not Happiness
Over the years I've learned a really hard lesson. All that glitters ain't gold. I went to work for a fortune 500 company as a sales manager.
In 1999, during my interview, all I heard was how lucrative the starting pay was, and it was quite hefty especially lacking a degree; I would have a company vehicle; quarterly bonuses; work solely from home, and travel the globe.
I accepted!
In my second year, I grossed over $80,000. I rode the wave and was on top of the world. I was recognized in the "Women Looking Ahead" magazine as one of Georgia's 100 Most Powerful & Influential Women; took a picture with the Lt. Governor of Georgia, and flown off to Australia to celebrate with husband in tow and paid for 100%.
The very next year I was expected to almost double the sales in my district. Six months in, it was evident that the balloon was deflating and I was headed toward demise. It was sales. It was my third year with the corporation and suddenly all that gold caused me stress; turmoil in my marriage; no work-life balance; and always skimming on the edge of losing my job. I was only as good as my last sale. I QUIT THAT JOB!
There are Always People that Can Make a Major Decision That Can Ruin Your Life
OMG, what a scary thing. When I think about it, I cringe when I put names by each person that could absolutely ruin my freaking life. I can count at least five right now organization-wide.
Abundance Will Never Come From The Job
As outlined in the below slide shown by James Altucher, Karma is lurking.
Give abundantly and you will receive tenfold. Warren Buffet believes that philanthropy is a huge factor in acquiring wealth. Sort of like what goes around comes around. I'm going to do more giving and maybe I'll be in a position to quit my job sooner than later.
It was incredibly easy to insert my personal experiences into Altucher's points. You should try it for yourself. If you are still an employee someplace I guarantee it will be thought-provoking.
I asked myself again: Should I quit my job? The answer is a resounding YES!
Have you ever quit a job without one waiting in the wings? Did you succeed?