What Is This Thing Called Karma?
“Dangerous consequences will follow when politicians and rulers forget moral principles. Whether we believe in God or karma, ethics is the foundation of every religion. ”
Karma As I See It
Karma is a simple principle and one where seeds you sow have consequences.
While we are here speaking on deep-rooted theories of religion, we miss that karma is a basic rule and sometimes used freely.
Before you start carrying on about cults and things, let's take a look at how the western world views the profound concept of Karma.
I’m sure you've heard all of the sayings. How different are these clichés from the notion of good and bad karma?
Reap what one sows (Galatians 6:7)
What goes around comes around
Karma was originated in India and in the eastern world, is a matter of ethics. Thus, to put it simply, good and bad actions have consequences. The concept is much more complicated intertwined within the four noble truths, the precepts (similar to the commandments) and the Dharma (the moral teachings of the Buddhist). For some who practice Buddhism, it's a way of life and the belief is that your actions will dictate your mere existence until you die. As for me, I rather appreciate the common sense of the belief in karma and the Dharma. I find peace in some of its basic principles while understanding and appreciating the fundamental principles of Christianity.
The Lotus Flower and Karma
The Lotus symbolically represents karma in many Asian traditions. A blooming lotus flower is one of the few flowers that simultaneously carries seeds inside itself while it blooms. Seed is symbolically seen as cause, the flower effect. Lotus is also considered as a reminder that one can grow, share good karma and remain unstained even in muddy circumstances.[23]
Have you ever found yourself saying, "that's just bad karma"?
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