Urban Life In Atlanta: Is There Another Way?
“Welcome to Atlanta Where the Players Play.”
I speak a lot of my fair city Atlanta. I can’s imagine living in a place with less than a million people and in a town with one stoplight, one grocery store, one car dealership, one drugstore, and where the neighborhood doctor's office runs alongside the railroad tracks.
When I look back at the time I lived in Clover, S.C., I get a little dizzy at the thought of how life there would be as an adult. Back when I was five years old and two miles seemed like ten and that small town seemed like New York City, it was okay. I might add that without my grandmother, it's non-existent. That place was her life and my life for a short time.
I thank God my immediate family chose to move and I was exposed to city life. I'm not knocking the rural, I'm just saying that I'm okay if I don't experience what it's like to live on a farm over in the country where I might have to drive no less than 50 miles to go to the mall or catch a movie. I'm so glad that stringing beans for the purpose of canning for a rainy day is not a part of my life. My dear grandmother used to can jelly which was amazing, but I'll just pick up a jar at Kroger.
I suppose if I had embraced country cottage living, I may be more inclined to enjoy cooking and baking. Naw, I'm fine with fiddling around with cooking through trial and error and hope for the best like a true city girl.
Urban Living in Atlanta Is Like None Other
What I love, love, love about Atlanta is the accessibility to just about everything.
Big parks, little parks, concert parks, and big old Stone Mountain Park.
Little health clinics, big clinics, clinics in Walgreens, and that giant of a hospital called Emory.
There are AMC theaters, neighborhood theaters, and dinner and drinks in theaters.
Jobs are not quite plentiful but available nonetheless.
We have the most iconic HBCUs and universities including the little giant ivy league of the south, Emory University.
Restaurants everywhere, family-owned, big chains, expensive, cheap, brunches and lunches of all kinds and yeah McDonald’s too.
You can find a kickball team for the kids at heart; boot camp workouts on every corner, rise up Football with the Atlanta Falcons; and Braves baseball with hotdogs and good ole Coca Cola.
It's all about personal preference and I choose Georgia sweet peaches, Peachtree Street, and back home to suburbia Decatur where we say it's great(ur).
What's your fancy?
Photo Credit: Atlanta Skyline (Photo credit: k1ng)