Heaven, Hell & Hot Flashes! What's Your Religion?
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
I'm not an expert on the bible, in fact, I'm not sure of the last time I picked one up. I guess in the eyes of the most devout, I'm a heathen. Seriously, I thrive on trying my best to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. If I can live up to that, I'm doing good.
You would never guess but, I'm a typical preacher's kid and it's so much fun. Both of my parents are First United Methodist ministers. They have a Masters's in Divinity and know the bible well. Are they perfect? Nope! Am I perfect? Didn't I say I was a preacher's kid??
I graduated from a Southern Baptist University in Georgia. It was in my religion class that the theologian reiterated that no one can say for sure that events portrayed in bible stories really took place but he stated that it’s where our faith would have to take over.
I was DEVASTATED in that moment to hear such a thing. I had always been taught from a young child that everything in the bible definitely happened. My grandmother said so. That day in class was a turning point. It was the day that I thought about religion in a whole new light. I'm not saying that I don't believe in God. I'm saying don't judge me if I have made the decision to research other religions outside of Christianity. In doing so, I find that most all religions have the same basic fundamental beliefs with the same central human values. The Dalai Lama states that one does not have to forsake their own religious beliefs in order to take advantage of lessons from the Buddhist. What a respectful perspective.
A Note about Science and Religion
When I was ill some years ago, it was certainly comforting to know that people were praying for me, but it was, I must admit, still more comforting to know that the hospital where I was being treated had the very latest equipment to deal with my condition! ~ Dalai Lama
In other words, prayer alone might not heal you. You need pre-med students with strength in science and a few medical schools to graduate those that can assist in the healing process.
As for heaven or hell, right now I don't dwell on either. I don't go to church often but don't judge me for that. Look beyond your beliefs and realize that the person you laughed with and prayed for yesterday is the same person you are condemning today. So let us all just get along.
The real reality, if I may digress, is at the moment I'm plagued by hot flashes and that's enough hell on earth for me right now.
Is religion controversial in your world?